REVIEW: Dust Pilgrim (Red Leap Theatre)

June 7, 2015

The Anti-Arrival [by James Wenley] Going in, the talking point is how Red Leap have downsized from their large ensemble company, the world-building of The Arrival, and the giant creatures of Sea. Dust Pilgrim is a nimble show for a smaller venue and three performers (plus crew member), designed artistically and economically for ease of touring. Going out, the big news […]

REVIEW: Sea (Red Leap Theatre)

March 11, 2014

Blue Leap [by James Wenley] Under Red Leap’s outstanding vision the sea is a phenomenon of awe: a place of wondrous beauty, unrelenting power, but also, poignantly, of great fragility. In Sea human kindness, resilience, and cruelty is set against the wild untameable force and fate of nautical nature. Red Leap’s reputation has been built on the company’s debut The Arrival […]

REVIEW: The Arrival (Red Leap Theatre)

July 17, 2012

Astounding Journey Continues [by James Wenley] It is remarkable that in the same week, two New Zealand works of international quality enjoyed return seasons in Auckland. The first, Indian Ink’s Guru of Chai – is still playing at Q, so seek it out. The second – Red Leap’s The Arrival played three public shows over the weekend. I hope you […]

REVIEW: Paper Sky – A Love Story (Auckland Arts Festival)

March 7, 2011

Paper and Puppetry. Sometimes theatre can take you to that other place. All the elements combine to transport you to the place akin to the dreamland, the subconscious, where anything can happen. I’ve had this experience before, in Red Leap Theatre’s previous work The Arrival no less. It was with high hopes that I entered the Glen Eden Playhouse for […]