REVIEW: Queen (Smoke Labours Productions)

February 14, 2014

Gay outing [by Sharu Delilkan] Queen is a scream, a sass, a laugh, a cry, a voice. The publicity material’s description of Queen is spot on. Although a re-staging of the show, Sam Brooks’ Queen is still unique in nature because unlike most coming out gay stories the focus is the emotional roller coaster of under 18-year olds. Despite its […]

REVIEW: Riding in Cars with (Mostly Straight) Boys (Smoke Labours Productions)

February 3, 2014

The journey, not the destination [by James Wenley] It struck me while watching Sam Brooks’ Riding in Cars with (Mostly Straight) Boys how many moments of great (and small) personal drama burns out while stuck in an automobile. While Film loves to show wheels in motion, cars can be problematic to represent and rather static in action in a stage drama. […]