SCENE BY JAMES: It’s a Trial – of the Arts Minister!

March 1, 2018

[A Case for Removing Commercial Imperatives for Artists?] Would you accept public money to make an arts project if you had to return any profit that you generated back to the government? Would you want to live on 200-something dollars a week (plus accommodation supplement) if it meant you could make your art without being forced by Work and Income […]

REVIEW: My Best Dead Friend (Q Matchbox)

July 17, 2017

[Backstreet Dunedin] The show begins with our performer already on stage, smiling and jigging about to the Backstreet Boys playing over the speakers. The set consists of large blackboards and not much else. It’s bare, empty, and ready for a story to unfold. Anya Tate-Manning jumps straight into it by setting the scene and describing her tight knit group of […]

REVIEW: An Hour with Ackbar (NZ International Comedy Festival)

April 24, 2016

[Forced Humour] Casual Star Wars fans might know Admiral Ackbar as the alien who turns to the camera during the Battle of Endor in Return of the Jedi to utter those immortal lines: “It’s a trap!”* This has helped Ackbar find latter-day day fame as an internet meme. I could also tell you the Mon Calamarian fought with Anakin Skywalker […]

REVIEW: Glorious

November 2, 2011

Sexual Tension as thick as Magnolia Perfume [by James Wenley] It’s a classic formula, and one we are all familiar with: a miss-matched couple, often from vastly different backgrounds or social spheres meet, bicker, bicker some more, swear they hate each other, then admit their enduring love and affection. Jane Austen for one knew that hate was the secret to […]

PREVIEW: Glorious at The Basement

October 28, 2011

In Glorious Anticipation  [by Sharu Delilkan] When I met up with director Sam Shore at his quaint Eden Terrace home the first thing I had to ask him was why he was ‘remounting’ and not directing Richard Huber’s Glorious. He lost no time explaining that he didn’t feel comfortable taking credit for all the play’s direction, having come into the […]