SCENE BY JAMES: It’s a Trial – of the Arts Minister!

March 1, 2018

[A Case for Removing Commercial Imperatives for Artists?] Would you accept public money to make an arts project if you had to return any profit that you generated back to the government? Would you want to live on 200-something dollars a week (plus accommodation supplement) if it meant you could make your art without being forced by Work and Income […]

REVIEW: Break Up (We Need To Talk) (Binge Culture and Auckland Fringe)

February 16, 2015

Come back here [by Matt Baker] Walking out of the theatre is the strongest statement an audience member can make, and I have never regretted it until I walked out of Break Up. To clarify, the six-hour show allows its audience to come and go as they please, and it was only due to personal commitments that I left after the […]

Auckland Fringe 2015: Week One Schedule and Daily Picks

February 5, 2015

Auckland: Things are about to get Fringey [by James Wenley] Auckland Fringe 2015 is hitting our theatres and streets next week and it promises to bring a whole cavalcade of entertainment and provocation. Fringe is one of the best times to check out what’s happening in Auckland theatre. Ticket prices are low and affordable, and you can jump from venue to […]

New Performance Wrap-up: Show Pony, Providence and Wake Less

February 26, 2012

You want us to do what? [by James Wenley] Show Pony asks you to get naked. Providence asks for a pash. And Wake Less asks you to dinner… among other things.   Three shows where the normal ‘rules’ don’t apply. Three shows where the audience is an important part of the performance. Three shows that made up for one intense, […]