REVIEW: The Bitching Hour (Basement Theatre)

June 29, 2023

[Best Bitches] Carrie Rudzinski and Olivia Hall’s friendship has always been at the heart of their work. In The Bitching Hour it is front and centre, the glue that holds the show together. As soon as they enter, they launch into a poem about being bitches. It is bitching that brings them together – this fun, juicy, feminine-coded (oft degraded) […]

REVIEW: Prima Facie (Herald Theatre)

June 23, 2023

[The Injustice of It All ] Holding court for 100-minutes is a feat in itself for a full cast. However doing so as a solo performer is downright laudable and absolutely deserving of the standing ovation that Acushla-Tara Kupe received on opening night. Writer Suzie Miller is a former lawyer, and it’s heartening to read that despite Prima Facie being initially […]

REVIEW: Dirty Work (Indian Ink Theatre Company)

June 19, 2023

The absurdity of work is a central theme explored in Indian Ink’s new production Dirty Work which premiered on the Rangatira stage at Q Theatre last Friday night. Written by Indian Ink founders and creative collaborators Jacob Rajan & Justin Lewis, the production is inspired by Camus’ The Myth of Sisyphus and explores the meaninglessness and repetitiveness that often constitute […]

REVIEW: The Tempestuous (Basement Theatre)

June 15, 2023

[Promising Pastiche] Award-winning comedian Penny Ashton has once again delved into classic texts to present their tropes in a new light. A mash-up of Shakespeare’s plays and modern-day reality TV, The Tempestuous is a funny and clever romp. Replete with cross-dressing, disguises, bawdy jokes, puns, wordplay, and musical numbers, it is an excellently written script that Shakespeare himself would be […]

REVIEW: The Haka Party Incident (Te Pou)

June 7, 2023

The Haka Party Incident explores a little-known act of resistance — when Māori activist group He Taua confronted University of Auckland engineering students about their annual tradition of performing a mock haka. For decades, Māori students and lecturers had complained about the racist caricature, which engineering students insisted was just drunken fun. But the country was in the midst of […]