REVIEW: Cowboy Mouth & Love It Up

September 14, 2012

A Bittersweet Mouthful [by Matt Baker] Cowboy Mouth was once described as co-writer Sam Shephard’s ‘most thinly-veiled autobiography.’ However, his resultant abandonment of the production prior to the second night’s performance (he starred alongside his co-writer and lover at the time, Patti Smith) indicates that perhaps the piece was less of a thin veil, and more of a deluge of emotionally […]

REVIEW: Dance like a Butterfly Dream Boy (New Performance Festival)

February 23, 2012

Testosterone Overload [by James Wenley] The roof of the Aotea Centre has to be one of the coolest places in Auckland to do a show. Overlooked by the large old  Council building, imbued with the colour of street lights, and soundtracked with street noise, sirens and the odd sound of a seagull, it has the type of atmosphere that you […]