REVIEW: Short+Sweet Theatre Week 1 (Short+Sweet Festival 2013)

June 19, 2013

Sweet As…[by Sharu Delilkan] And so we’re off again for two weeks packed with 10-minute theatre snippets for “the easily distracted”, as advertised in the pre-publicity. It is great to see that Short+Sweet Theatre as a festival is finally become a regular date in the theatregoing public’s calendar. I’ve been personally going to this festival for the past three years […]

REVIEW: Short+Sweet Song (Short+Sweet Festival 2013)

June 12, 2013

Play it Again, Song [by James Wenley] Short+Sweet Song is even shorter than the other editions. While the odd 10minute Musical Theatre piece has popped up in Auckland’s Short+Sweet Theatre Festival (including the initial version of hilarious Bombs Away), this year musically inspired theatre get their own category and week, and on opening night five 10 minute works made up […]