REVIEW: Square Eye Pair (The Basement)

June 27, 2012

Geeks’ Eye for the Straight Guy [by Sharu Delilkan] If you’re not fans of The Big Bang Theory or Paul, the sci-fi geek film from Simon Pegg then you are bound to love Square Eye Pair precisely because it is the same. Let me explain. It’s not the same. It’s use of geekiness cleverly allows us access to three characters […]

INTERVIEW: Hamish Parkinson talks Square Eye Pair

June 15, 2012

Bromance and Television [by James Wenley] During last year’s Auckland Fringe I stuffed myself with as much theatre as I could. But I was kicking myself when Square Eye Pair won the Fringe’s Best Comedy award… and I had not seen it! Luckily for me, and for you, Square Eye Pair is returning for at Auckland’s The Basement at the […]